
Program - Lansering Horisont Europa


Huvudmoderator för dagen: Joakim Appelquist, Vinnova

Matilda Ernkrans, minister för högre utbildning och forskning, Utbildningsdepartementet

Darja Isaksson, generaldirektör, Vinnova

Sven Stafström, generaldirektör, Vetenskapsrådet

Jean-Eric Paquet, Director-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission

Hur kan vi arbeta strategiskt för ett starkt svenskt deltagande i Horisont Europa?
Forsknings- och innovationspropositionen ur ett EU-perspektiv
David Edvardsson, enhetschef, forskningspolitiska enheten, Utbildningsdepartementet

Presentation av förslaget till nationell strategi
Karin Aase, enhetschef, Vinnova

Paneldiskussion: Drivkrafter och strategier för deltagande
Ann-Charlotte Larsson, vicerektor för internationalisering, innovation och samhällelig drivkraft, Linnéuniversitetet
Anders Caspár, Director External Research Relations, Ericsson
Anders Carlberg, avdelningschef för forskning, utveckling och utbildning, Västra Götalandsregionen


Excellent Science
This session will partly be held in English

Moderator: Elisabeth Sjöstedt, Vetenskapsrådet

Introduction: The role and importance of excellent research in a changing Europe (in English)
Angela Liberatore, Acting Head of Scientific Department at the European Research Council Executive Agency.

Paneldiskussion: Stärka svensk excellens genom ett strategiskt deltagande i pelare 1 (på svenska)
Mattias Marklund, huvudsekreterare, Vetenskapsrådet
Kerstin Tham, rektor, Malmö universitet
Mia Phillipson, professor Uppsala universitet och Co-director SciLifeLab
Anna Sandström, Director Science Policy and Relations Europe, AstraZeneca


Global challenges and industrial competitiveness
This session will be held in English.

Introduction to Global challenges and industrial competitiveness
Karin Aase, Head of Unit, Vinnova

This session will be held in English.

Moderator: Britta Fängström, Formas

Introduction to partnerships
Maria Leek, Policy Officer at the Partnerships sector, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission

Experiences and expectations on partnerships
Jeanette Nilsson, Project Manager, RISE
John Tumpane, Head of Department, Formas
Henric Johnson, Counselor of Science and Innovation, Embassy of Sweden in Washington; member of European Commission Expert Group for partnerships

This session will be held in English.

Moderator: Andrea Råsberg, Vinnova

Introduction to missions
Neville Reeve, Head of Sector Missions, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission

Panel discussion:
Neville Reeve, Head of Sector Missions, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission
Darko Manakovski, Director Strategic Partnerships and Global Resources at Global Water Partnership; Executive member, Mission Board Oceans
Beatrice Melin, Professor in Oncology, Umeå University; member Mission Assemby Cancer
Erika Augustinsson, Innovation Strategist, Region Blekinge


Innovative Europe – from ideas to market
This session will be held in English.

Moderator: Anne Lidgard, Vinnova

Introduction to Innovative Europe, focusing on European Innovation Council
Jean-David Malo, Director European Innovation Council, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission

Panel discussion:
Jean-David Malo, Director European Innovation Council, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission
Fredrik Hörstedt, Vice President of Utilisation, Chalmers; Board member of European Innovation Council Advisory Board
Evelina Vågesjö, PhD MBA; CEO and co-founder of Ilya Pharma

Ingrid Petersson, generaldirektör, Formas